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Interview The Author Series - Author #1

Today I have the pleasure of interview a special guest! My friend Amie just recently self-published her first book, "Snowball and the Missing Apple"! (see picture below) *gives a round of applause*

About the Book:

Snowball loves apples.  When his apple goes missing, he knows that he must find who took it.  A charming children's book with funny pictures, an engaging message, and animals.  Perfect for early readers or to read aloud to your 2-5 year old

Without further ado, let's get to the interview!

Hello Amie! Welcome to the blog! Please tell us a bit about yourself:

My name is Amie, obviously, and I'm a young teenager that's an animal lover who is passionate about writing, music, and sharing God's love. This week we are celebrating the fact that you are releasing your first book! How does that feel?

Yeah, it's my first, and it really feels surreal.  It took a moment for me to realize that now I'm not just a writer, I'm an author.  It made me jump and and start dancing.  (Though I was also really close to hyperventilating.) What got you interested in writing?

I guess reading got me interested in writing.  I just always loved words, and making them flow.  (That doesn't mean I loved learning about adverbs and nouns, but that love came latter.)  I've pretty much wanted to write my whole entire life.   Where did the idea for "Snowball and the Missing Apple" originate? 

That's a good question.  Probably with my rabbit Snowball, and his love for apples.  It was one of those random thoughts...What if Snowball's apple suddenly went missing?  How would he react?  Who would have taken the apple?   How do you keep motivated to write?

Well, I go through spurts of what actually motivates me, but honestly, it's writing friends I've made through different online writing communities. It's so nice to have someone who'll encourage you to write, and sprint with you.  Do you have any advice for people, who potentially want to self publish?

Well, it's harder and easier than you think.  What?  Did I just contradict myself?  Well, it's harder in some ways, like in the marketing and just being in charge of every last detail, while the actual publishing is so super easy.  I was like, "Wait, it's done?"  Any final thoughts? *thinks* Nope, don't think so, except for thanking you for being a part of my blog tour.  It was so much fun answering your questions.  And thank you for interviewing me. Thanks so much for letting me interview you!

You're welcome, and thank you!

Amie is a wild, crazy writer who is either daydreaming or talking a hundred miles an hour.  When she is not doing those two things, she is probably reading or jamming on one of the four instruments she plays.  Writing is her overwhelming passion, but she is also passionate about horses, music, acting, photography, blogging, and living life to glorify her Creator and Lord.  She is the second oldest of seven children and enjoys being dramatic with her four sisters. Whether it is in Amie’s writing or in her words, she enjoys making people laughing.

To learn more about Amie and her book, check out her blog below! Amie's blog:

Amie is also doing a giveaway of her book! Click here to enter into the raffle.

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I'm a storyteller, child of the King, and book enthusiast. I write to bring light, beauty, and truth to this dark world. I'm also a graphic designer with an eye for color and a musician with a love for movie soundtracks. 

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Shining light on the wonder of stories

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